Monday, November 23, 2009


We all thought that the Flewwelling's might have had H1N1 two week ago....We were informed today...They did not...
Scott-Issac has become extremely ill as of yesterday. A fever that would not respond to medications. He began a cough that could not be controlled by Ventolin. Last night he was seen by a docotr at his clinic and he sent him off to the hospital right away. His O2 levels were low...90% thus his breathing belaboured. His fever when over 104, his heart rate way up 155.
He is unable to keep down his food, hurts all over....It was thus confirmed he had H1N1...Poor darling. This time the hospital has(shock)done a H1N1 swap.

We will be keeping Roxi in our no doubt this darn virus will now make its rounds....being the mommy means she is in for a real bummpy ride.

Aunika is finally doing much better...and had started being her usually pleasent self. She needs to have blood work again on see if her white cells have bounced back...they were too low! Another peice of exciting news is that Wed...Heidi and kristopher find out what they are having...BOY or Girl!! and as if this is not enough greatness for a humble Wed it is also Joe's 28th Birhtday!!!

Dad and I got a great package of gifts of to Daniel and Vicky....Hope they get them before the leave for egypt...Hope they have a great trip! Hey Dan when are you guys going to the sister wedding?

Love to everyone...Mother S

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