Sunday, November 9, 2008


It was with a sad heart that Joe called us today. He found out that his dear and beloved friend Ed Nowlan of the Miramichi had passed away. Ed was a school teacher and a guidance counsellor for years here on the Miramichi. Even though Ed never taught any of our children, he did befriend our Joseph. It was one of those rare kind of friendships. Rare because Ed was older then Joe's own dad. But it was also rare, because it was not a father and son relationship, but a friendship of a boy and a man, then over the years became a man to man friendship. Whenever Joesph over the years came home to visit, no visit was ever complete for Joe until he and Ed had their time together, often in town over a coffee. As Joe has grew into a man, and into fatherhood, it made him appreciate his kinship to Ed more then ever. As Joe grew-up and seperated from his old high-school buddies, his friendship with Ed always remained unchanged.

Ed had several operation in the past few years, and lost both of his legs. A time which was hard and depressive for Ed. We can only imagine the true adjustment we would experience our self in such a trial. I know that Joe often called Ed, and even came on the train once to visit him during this hard time.

When Joe was planning his wedding he expressed many times that he wished Ed could make it and Stand-up with him. He knew that Ed was not well enough to make such a long journey.

Joe we have seen what a true friendship that you had with Ed, and your family is so sorry for your lost today.

Mom and Dad have been asked by Joe to deliver some flowers to the grave site. I am only to happy to be an ambassador for Joseph. Joe requested a bouquet of white and yellow carnations.
This will done.

Thinking of friends and the meaning of friendship, I felt to share this:

What is a friend? (In loving memory to Ed)

Perhaps the one relation that has survived the trials and tribulations of time and has still remained unconditional is friendship. A unique blend of affection, loyalty, love, respect, trust and loads of fun is perhaps what describes the true meaning of friendship between two individuals. Similar interests, mutual respect and strong attachment with each other are what friends share between each other. These are just the traits of a friendship. To experience what is friendship, one must have true friends, who are indeed rare treasure.

On that note my son, May you find comfort in knowing that you not only received, but gave friendship to Ed.

God Bless Thee Joseph.

Your Ever-loving, and ever-caring Family.

PS. I write this after speaking to all your sibling, except Daniel who I am sure will write to you himself. (of course we know that Corinna is always there for you).

A Poem (This will be on Ed's Bouquet)

When I cried, you were there to help me out
When I was happy, you were there to hear me shout
When I grinned you knew that I was really mad
You could always tell when I was sad
You are the best friend I have ever had!

You were there with me through thick and thin
You offered a helping hand when things were dim
You patiently listened when I wanted to talk
You'd tell me it was Ok ,even when I was bad.
You are the best friend I have ever had!

So hear me out when I say
You were special in my day
You brought me comfort in my night
That always made me feel alright
With you I was always glad
You are the best friend I have ever had!

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