Yes mom, unfortunately, me in red underware is what you get. helloween was a sweet night. I've been very busy up to now. Last week I had to mark 150 exams and write 150 report cards. This upcoming week should however be a little easier. I've spent lots of time getting to know Where I live and the surrounding area I now know Kai Fa Qu (pronounced Ki Fah Chu). I went shopping for winter cloths earlier today with Vicky, as I left my home country far to quickly. I bought a couple of fleecys, some long johns, a new winter vest, socks gloves and hat. I had already picked up a new coat last week. The heat is supposed to be turned on here this week. Heat in China is regulated by the government to control energy use.
I am planning an amazing trip for my 5 week Winter Holiday. I'll be hitting Borneo, Kuala Lampour, Singapour, Cambodia, and Thailand. I don't know a lot about most of our destinations, but the friends I'll be travelling with are all rather seasoned travellers. I plan to become a certified diver while in Borneo. Than when I reach Phucket (Thailand), I'll be able to explore the coral reefs. I'll be travelling with three other people, Shannon, Damon and Vicky. They know each other from Korea where the three of them used to live and work. They've all travelled to piles of countries, and so should make my first foray into international travel a little easier to figure out.
I'll try not to take so long between posts. I know if one of you were over here, I would love to know what was going on with you.
Reading through some posts today, totally made me miss you all. The pic of Hadassah walking in the snow made me miss GP so much (not an easy task being that it's such a hole). Sereously though, I would love to visit for a week. Or better still, It would be great if some one would come and visit me. I know you guys would love it here.
Dad, I haven't been able to access my hotmail for a while, but will get back to you ASAP. I love you guys.
TTY soon
Love you all a ton
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