Hi Grandson,
It was extremely nice to see your blog. Welcome to the FAMILY blog. I will buy some popcorn for sure. I will phone in my order later today. Congratulations on becoming the top-dog at Cubs. I here that your popcorn campaign is off to a good start. I was amazed that you went door to door and made over $100.oo for Scout's Canada. A tip of the hat to you!!!!
Thank you me daughter, Corinna. I knew you would like it and I called it, that you would get all teared up too. (hehhee). On this coming Saturday, Oct the 10th, Daddy/Papa and I are going to stay in a resort in Cap Pele. It is a few minutes from the beach and not so far from the PEI bridge....so we will hike and eat and sleep and enjoy the great outdoors. Dad/Papa has been working like crazy to finish the interior of the windows....and the only way to get him to take a day off is to LEAVE Tozer House. We will come back Monday....and vote in the Federal election.
If any of you want to see the Video in 'you tube' I am under the name Standringwestall. I will do more later.
Hadassah greeted her parents yesterday. She was between them both in bed,(that is the nicest place on earth to be when you are a little kid!), and she popped up on her hands and knee's, looked at them and said, "Hi Guys!" Imagine calling her parents "guys" how cute is that!
Roxi was invested into Scout's Canada, and she says the Chief who invested her was VERY serious about the whole procedure. She had a flag held over her while she made so many promises and vows that she said, "I had no idea in the end what I promised to whom" She and I had the greatest laugh over how formal this all was, considering the fact that she has 7, 8, & 9 year old kiddies. I really hope that she has a fun filled year teaching Cubs.
Heidi was sick this week but seems to be recovering except it has left her a bit drained. While she was sick and alone caring for Aunika, the baby decided to creep all over the place finding electric cords to chew and paper to taste, ect....Way to go Nonni!!
Hey Isaac and Becky, we would love for you "Guys" to blog along with us????? What do ya say!
Just about done Christmas shopping for all my Grand babies, both young and old. Just a bit more left.
Daniel darling we are all waiting for new about your holiday. You must find time to BLOG US ALL!!!!!
Auntie Lavina did ya get to see the video....you are a GREAT photographer!!! Yaaaa Auntie!
I must run as I have banking and packing and cleaning to do. Until Monday, God Bless thee one and all.
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