Saturday, October 11, 2008

A fracker's Thanksgiving wishes

Hello all, and thanks Ma for the happy T-Giving wishes. Those were very nice pictures you posted. Tonight (saturday) I am sitting in the Best Western in Dawson Creek waiting to frack in the morning. We've been busy, however I got to come home wed, thurs, and friday evenings as we were working just outside of town (I got to see my big girl crawl!). I'm not sure what the type of job is tomorrow, but there are almost 30 of our trucks in the parking lot, and 43 guys in the hotel! There was finally a few more guys we actually have enough guys to run trucks. This means there are alot of guys being trained. I have my protege with me this set. Hopefully he'll be the best fracker that ever there was by the time our days off roll around. He's learning fast.
I notice its been getting darker earlier and staying darker longer...and also is getting colder fast. Just a chilling reminder of what is still to come. There has been no snow yet, but I shouldn't mention that. Anyways....I have an early morning (3:30am) so I must be off to bed. I look forward to seeing how everyone is doing. Happy thanksgiving to all, and too all a good night.


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