Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Aunika's Recuse....xoxox

I know we all have memories of our childhood...and if you stop and really think about the major amount of them....you wil find that from about, seven year old, to about Twelve years old , those memories stay crisper and can be called into focus, often with ease. Days like this, at our retirment farm, make my life full of joy. Here Aunika is helping a little sparrow, who hit the window. She felt so much compassion and love I thought her little heart was going to burst wide open. I know that she will carry this moment of time with her, long after I am gone. What an honour to be able to capture this fleeting moments of childhood. It was a warm, misty day, with summer fog filling the empty space between the ground and sky. A rather perfect day for a recuse...don't you think???

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