The easiest way ever to preserve an apple!!
Find a daughter with a crap apple tree...(or someone!)
Pick a few bushels of apples
Pick them with the little stems left on!
Wash apples and cut off blossom this....
Set them aside while you make the light syrup.
Have your sterile mason jars ready to go before you make your syrup. An simple way to sterile jars to to fill 1/4 full with water and place in oven at 200 degrees for 15 or more minutes. Leave jars I oven until your ready to use. Jar must be hot in order to pour in hot boiling syrup...boil cover too.

Syrup is made with a 4 to 1 ratio 1 cup of sugar to 4 cups of water. Bring to a full boil, and turn off. Have your canner pot also full of water and keep it at an almost boiling point.
Fill the hot jars with the tiny crab apples
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