Saturday, October 19, 2013

Today, October 20th Has a Double Birthday in Our Family....Vicky and Kris....Enjoy Your Day!!!!

Vicky has a Birthday Today, We Wish our Daughter a Wonderful, and Great Day! October 20th

Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday darling Vicky
Happy Birthday to You

May The Good Lord Bless You
May The Good Lord Bless You
May The Good Lord Bless Our Vicky
May The Good Lord Bless You

Lovingly Mom and Dad

Kristopher is a Year Older Today! Have A wonderful Birthday Son: October 20th 2013

Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday to darling Kris
Happy Birthday to You

May The Good Lord Bless You
May The Good Lord Bless You
May The Good Lord Bless Kristopher
May The Good Lord Bless You

Lovingly Ma and Pop

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

How Make Crab Apple Preserves

The easiest way ever to preserve an apple!!

Find a daughter with a crap apple tree...(or someone!)

Pick a few bushels of apples

Pick them with the little stems left on!

Wash apples and cut off blossom this....

Set them aside while you make the light syrup.

Have your sterile mason jars ready to go before you make your syrup.  An simple way to sterile jars to to fill 1/4 full with water and place in oven at 200 degrees for 15 or more minutes.  Leave jars I oven until your ready to use.  Jar must be hot in order to pour in hot boiling syrup...boil cover too.

Syrup is made with a 4 to 1 ratio 1 cup of sugar to 4 cups of water.  Bring to a full boil, and turn off.  Have your canner pot also full of water and keep it at an almost boiling point.

Fill the hot jars with the tiny crab apples
Use a funnel and pour the hot syrup over the apples

Don't they look pretty! 

Have a large pot or canner pot on the stove top boiling with hot watery

Put on the hot covers and tighten finger will now place the mason jars full of apples and syrup into the canner pot and cover the pot and boil it all for 20 minutes

After your 20 minutes are done, remove from pot and set aside to cool.  As they cool you should hear a popping sound as the lids seal.  Tis sound is the sound of success !!  Then step back and admire the beauty of it all.

THE END.....Special thanks to my daughter Vicky for her apple tree and all her hard work making the apples and being my model.

Mark and Hadassah....I guess she is destinded to hunt between papa and her daddy!! LOL

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Some fall colour to warm your EAST COAST HEARTS!!! XOXOXOX

Jacob 17 months, and his 1st haircut!!!!

Jacob at 16 Months... Sorry for the delay!!!

A Hunter and His Helper! Thanksgiving Monday

Hadassah loves nature and walks in the does her Papa.  They went for a small hunt yesterday to see if they could find some Prairie they did not find any, and Dassi needed a ride back home!  LOL

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Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Happy Birthday to you,
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