Sunday, June 19, 2011


Greetings to the Standringfam. Fathers Day has been busy. Up at 6:30, drink a pot of coffee, eat some rubarb crisp for breakfast, take a bath, get ready for church and drive to Bathurst. We met at the Murphy home for service. A full crowd wit the Ouellettes, the Hartlens, the Murphys and the Andrews ... and me. We sang some songs and had a grand time listening to the WORD and fellowship. We had a barbeque, some sit down talk and fellowship and planned a canoe trip down the Miramichi. Drove home at 3:30 and had a nap. Heidi woke me at about 6pm with a fathers day wish ... and she wanted to know if she was first. I gave her a qualified yes in light of the fact that her voice was the first to reach me. I then listened to the answering machine where Daniel confirmed he was actually first being that his message came at 9:30 this morning. Dan will be in Canada in a week and a half and is enthused about coming east to drive out west with me beginning July 14th. Josephs message was next with a typical Joseph touch, "this is the fruit of your loins calling to wish you a happy fathers day". It put a smile to my face. Roxi called at 7:30pm to wish me a happy fathers day ... we had a lovely talk. Hadassaha didn't want to say hello, but Skee wished me a happy grandfathers day. It appears he getting some interest in girls. I warned him against this line of thinking but I don't believe I had much success. Finally called Zac to close the loop. Becky answered the phone with a happy fathersday wish and said she'd see me in another week or so. I'll have to wait for Zac to call ... he's still at work.

Anyway, we've got a new roof on the house and I bought some stain to shine up the exterior. So Standringfam I'll see y'all in July the good Lord willing.

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