Thursday, March 4, 2010


Hi Dan I sure enjoyed all your posts. It looks like a great adventure... I was really blown away by the underwater photography then I realized it was from Google and not you, for a while there I was incredibly impressed with your skills as a photographer. Still you got some amazing shots. We can’t wait to see you and Vicky this summer (will we see you both?), Aunika has grown so much and you wouldn't believe how she can talk and memorize; she's also a great little pretender, she re-enacts everything she experiences. Baby-in-Belly is large and uncomfortable. The radiologist wanted to know is I was a diabetic. (Nope-it’s just the father is a giant) I just need to make it to 37weeks and I'm good... anyway you take care... tell Vicky I CAN'T WAIT to see her again.
Love you Lots.

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