There are far too many things that I did not get pictures of while I was here. Some because cameras were not allowed, some because I was simply to distracted to bother with the camera, and some because I was too deep under water.
While here in Duhab, Vicky and I did some of the most spectacular dives we have yet to experience. Two of our four dives were exceptional. One dive was into an underwater canyon that is completely covered with coral and teaming with life. The other was the blue hole. The descent we took is known as El Bells. It is a crack in the sea floor big enough only for a single diver to fit. It falls vertically for over 100ft. As you drop to the ocean floor, you are surrounded by colorful coral and fish, there is also an undisturbed view into the great blue (Red) Sea. After descending to the bottom of El Bells we swam for about 40min along a vertical wall of coral, for which no bottom is visible. There is a spot where you are eventuall able to swim up and over the wall into the blue hole where the Coral descends as a cylinder for hundreds of meters into an invisible blue bottom. AMAZING!!!
El Bells (Copied from google images)

The Blue Hole (Copied from google images)

The Canyon (Copied from google images)

My plans to climb Mount Sinai last night were Kie Boshed by a sudden fever. It was no big deal. The doctor loded me up with drugs to ensure I was good to fly home. I would have preferred to just lay in bed, but Vicky called the doctor and made me go to the clinic, which was only 15ft away :( Today I have been resting all day. Besides feeling a little tired, I now feel fine.
To my siblings, I would love to hear a little something from you all now and then. Even if you don't have anything of your own you want to post, it'd be nice to hear what you think of my stuff, or even just to get a hello. I am after all separated by thousands of miles and gaps of years. I don't think anyone other than Mom has responded to a post of mine in over a year. I know you're all busy, but I'd love to hear you thoughts whenever you can find the time.
I love and miss you all very much (today even more than most as I have had time to just lay and dream about how fun it would be to scuba dive or travel strange places with each of you).
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