Happy 30th birthday Dan (the best littlest big bro a big little bro could wish for),
I'm glad it's you and not me, 27 works for me, in fact I'm just going to stop where I am, and next year I'll just be 27 with one year of experience. Yes, I'd choose youth over wisdom any day, only a fool would choose wisdom, that's why its pronounced wiz-dum because over the years the accumulated amount of times that you take a wiz makes you dumb. No that's not pee, its grey matter gone bad and turned yellow, think of that next you decide its time to 'squirt the dirt with the main vein' (as Dad says...Your a class act Pops).
In fact, the next time you go to the toilet you can do what I do, start imagining the 'Quickening' from the movie The Highlander and say to your self "There can be only one." I know that might not make complete sense (and even less sense to those who are not familiar with the movie The Highlander) but if you imagine the lighting striking you as you picture yourself holding a one of those double edged Highlander swords it can turn a regular, boring, run of the mill sort of day into thirty seconds of heart stopping adventure, which at your age should be plenty of excitement.
I love you Dan and hope this is a memerable birthday for you. Lord knows, at your age you won't remember much else!!
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