A man is quietly praying in front of a snow sculpture of Buddha as the festival carries on around him.
An ice Cathedral in Harbin
A pagoda style ice-temple at the international ice festival
A hillside view of the festival near sunset. Every building you see in the picture is made completely of ice. Things are crystal clear during the day, but at night lights that are frozen into the ice are turned on. The lights have just come on here.
The ice festival at night
Hanging with a couple of guards at the Siberian Tiger reserve
A Tiger eating one of the chickens I bought.
Vicky and I after dinner at a Russian resturant. mmmmm borsche, hodgpodge, and shashlik.
Some iced trees in Harbin.
The first thing I need to say is WOW!!!!! Nice new front teeth Caleb. You're looking a lot older... almost like a teenager. Lovely pics of the 60th parallel guys. Looks like a great adventure. A special I love you goes out to Heidi and Kris. I love the new Aunika pics. I spent my long (new years) weekend in Harbin. It's in north-eastern China near the Russian border, and is home of the international ice festival (and the Disney ice festival to). We also went to a Siberian tiger reserve and fed the tigers some chickens. It was awesome. No time to write more right now, I have class in a bit. Tried to call you this morning Mom, (6:30pm for you) but you didn't answer. I'll try again soon.
Love you all
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