The place where I had my suit made has hundreds and hundreds of stalls where fabrics can be purchased and tailors can be commissioned to make anything out of anything. I was thinking of Mom when I took this one. I thought, "well this one won't look like it was taken in Canada". This is not the stall I bought from. I just liked their fabric layout.
Another Shot from the same place
This is Jess picking up a dress she had made
This one is only really funny if you can see what's written on the can. It's 'Red Oxen' The most blatent Red Bull (energy drink) rip off ever.
The dish on the left is pronounced Cheeadzeh TuDo It's and eggplant dish. The one on the right is Gwo Ba Roe, one of the most delicious things I have ever tasted, and definutely my favorite new dish since I've moved to China. I usually get rice with most meals too (here its 'me fan').
This is a meal at a Korean Restaurant. The middle of the table is a grill. A girl sits at the table and cooks the meat for you as you enjoy your appitizers.
OK,so I guess this should tie you all over for a bit. I'm really sorry I don't get this done more often. It just seems that there is always so much going on (which is great for me). Keep up all the posting though. I read this blog all the time and I love it. It's so nice to have over here. The more pics and vids the better. I love Aunika vs the Mango, Achoo, 'nows, Scook and his mom singing with the fish... and many many more. I don't get to it everyday, but I see it at least 3 or 4 times a week.
I love you all tons.
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