It seems that the days here are so full. The days of the teachers start by 8:00 and end between 3 and 4:00. Then there is of course dinner, time spent organizing your living space, and acquiring those things you need for the year. I’ve managed to get my hands on some more money and so should have a phone and camera shortly. I also hope to figure out how to send mail this weekend so that I might send home some trinkets.
The night before last I had a great adventure in town. About 9:00 most of the teachers had turned in (everyone has a pretty early schedule due to the time change). Dave and I decided we would take a walk down to the beach (which I have yet to visit). Feeling a little dry we thought we would stop in town to grab a couple of brews. By the way, Chinese beer is totally great. It’s weaker than the green party, but it’s delicious and refreshing. Also you’re allowed to drink on the streets here (something I fully enjoy). Walking up the street with our beers, a Chinese guy sitting with some friends calls out ‘cheers’ (he pronounced it cheerce). I excitedly reiterated his cheer and ran over to clink bottles with him. A couple of them started patting chairs, signalling they wanted us to have a seat. We obliged, thinking we’d have a drink with them and then head for the beach. We ended up having such a great time; we hung out with them until after midnight.
Part way through the night we were joined by a Russian acrobat and stunt driver. The acrobat was ridiculously massive. The stunt driver was pretty small and had a Mohawk, complete with trailing Mohawk-mullet. The driver was named Yogi. I can’t remember the other guy’s name. Also a Chinese girl named butterfly (I know right) gave me some little key chain trinket and said ‘you are my friend’.
As in most cultures, drinking is also accompanied by feasting. Now seeing that I had eaten frog legs the previous day for lunch (which were superlatively delicious by the way), I decided to try something really different. A large basin filled with fat wriggling grubs, set nearby, were being sold by a street vendor. I’ll have a couple of those I said. He speared them with a wooden stick (Kabob style) and roasted them over a bar-b-q, throwing on a pinch of spices now and again. Dave and I each grabbed one off the stick and cheersed them. Down the hatch. They tasted like mashed potatoes with an extra crunchy skin. And by the way, frog legs really do taste like chicken. I’ve also added eel and raw fish to my ‘food I have eaten’ list. I don’t even know how many ‘(mystery meat on a stick)’s’ I’ve had.
I wrote the first part of this post during my lunch break and finished just now (3:00). I have a wine and cheese party to attend at 3:30 (paid for by the school). I should have everything in place by this weekend, and so will hopefully be able to give everyone a call. If you could all e-mail me your phone numbers that would be great.
Hugs and Kisses from Miles and Miles Away
I love you
Daniel Mark Andrew Standring
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